What Is Stem Cell Therapy?


MAR 2021


What Is Stem Cell Therapy?

By: admin

Stem cell therapy is the process of implanting stem cells in damaged or injured tissue to promote regeneration. It is used for the treatment of congenital disorders, degenerative disorders, or injured tissue. Stem cell therapy for blood diseases has been used for over a decade. In recent years it is used for the treatment of more than 80 diseases.

Today’s modern lifestyle has given rise to many degenerative diseases at an early age. There is no cure for heart disorders, diabetes, kidney failure, cancer etc. with conventional therapy. We empathize with the helplessness and stress that families go through after being diagnosed with a serious disease. But with stem cell therapy, there is hope and a chance for a better life.

Stem cell therapy in India is very cost-effective. There are a lot of well-trained surgeons who perform these procedures with a 60-80% success rate. However, the success rate may vary, depending on the disease being treated, the specialist performing the procedures, and the patient's condition.

Let me share with you a few success stories of stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy Success Stories

Among the earliest recipients of the miracles of such stem cell treatment is S.Kabilan, a former Chief Secretary of Assam state.

He suffered a heart attack 4 years ago. At AIIMS hospital he underwent bypass surgery. When he heard about the new stem cell treatment which could regenerate damaged tissue, he readily agreed. Since then the functioning of his heart has been regularly monitored and has shown considerable improvement.

L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad has the confidence of restoring the worker's sight in a matter of weeks. In 2010, they treated over 700 such patients with notable success, perhaps one of the largest such regenerative experiments anywhere in the world.

Latif Ahmed, a truck driver, showed all the signs of an amazing recovery after being diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver possibly caused by overuse of alcohol. He could hardly eat his favourite non-vegetarian food.

Normally, the only cure for liver cirrhosis would be a costly liver transplant. Doctors treated his liver with stem cells from his bone marrow. Within a month, his liver showed signs of recuperating and after a few weeks, it was almost back to normal. Now he can enjoy his favourite food.

I hope you would know the possibilities of stem cell therapy knowing these successful treatment stories. Now you are eager to know what stem cells are. Let me explain it to you.

What are Stem Cells?

Our body is made up of different kinds of specialized cells. All these cells originate from stem cells. Stem cells have the peculiar feature of multiplication and differentiation into any type of cell present in the body. This property of stem cells is used to cure disease or condition. Stem cells repair the diseased or dysfunctional or injured tissue.

Stem cells come from the embryonic stage and the adult stage of the human developmental phase. Embryonic cells are pluripotent cells means they can divide and form more stem cells or differentiate into any form of cell in the body. Embryonic cells are present when an embryo is 3-5 days old.

The adult stage of stem cells also called somatic stem cells are found in the fetus, placenta, umbilical cord, dental pulp and infants. These cells are multipotent and eventually differentiate into specialized tissue of the body. Thus, multipotent cells can differentiate into particular types of cells, but pluripotent cells have more potential for differentiation into many types of cells.

Scientists have induced adult cells (multipotent) cells into pluripotent cells by molecular manipulation. These cells are induced pluripotent stem cells(iPS). These cells show characteristics of embryonic stem cells. Research is still going on to use these cells for therapy.

Pluripotent stem cells have not been used in humans because animal studies showed the formation of teratomas (a rare type of tumour that can contain fully developed tissues and organs, including hair, teeth, muscle, and bone) and ethical issues were there to use cells from the embryo. Since the 1960s multipotent stem cells have been harvested from bone-marrow for the treatment of leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Nowadays multipotent cells have been discovered in deciduous teeth, brain, skeletal muscles, skin and liver

Thus, it is important to store these stem cells for future use in stem cell therapy.

Bank your child’s dental stem cell with Mothercell

What is Stem Cell Banking?

It is a process of collecting and storing stem cells for future use in therapies and regenerative procedures. This will come as a lifesaver when the patient is suffering from fatal diseases.

To obtain stem cells from the umbilical cord, placenta, dental pulp are completely noninvasive procedures. These cells obtained during early age have great potential for regeneration.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is becoming safe years after years as the medical and technical advancement in the field. The major breakthroughs in the field have happened and the hope of widespread availability of this non-invasive therapy method has increased many folds in the past decade (2010-2020).

The cells used are from the donor itself or from a family member the chances of tissue rejection are less. There is no need to search for a donor in the case of organ transplants. These stem cells can be used for the same. However, we should be aware of some side effects involved in stem cell therapy.

Side Effects of Stem Cell Therapy

There are a few and significant side effects of stem cell therapy.

The common side effects of transplant are fatigue, lack of appetite, diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting. Some patients also suffer from skin rash, swelling, weight loss or gain, hair loss, fatigue, change in taste, or decrease in sexual desire.

Over some time (a matter of a few weeks, or months, or in some cases one or two years), many of these side effects are cured as the immune system of the patient recovers.

Stem cells from an allogeneic donor can cause graft versus host reaction. The highest risk of infection during a few weeks after therapy.

A short-lived fever is a common reaction.

Here comes the necessity of autologous transplants, where the stem cells from the same person will be used for the treatment. This ensures there is no rejection in the body so the tumour.

One of the major sources of stem cells for autologous transplant is mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are proved very much effective in stem cell therapy. The dental pulp is a very rich source of mesenchymal stem cells.

So the use of stem cells from the same person reduces the side effects after the stem cell therapy to a great extent.

Stem Cell Therapy in India

In India, there is a rapid growth of stem cell therapy procedures. There are many good hospitals and expert surgeons who perform these procedures. There are world-class facilities available with the latest infrastructure for stem cell therapy. India is offering a very low cost for stem cell therapy as compared to other parts of the globe. In the past decade, India has become a major hub for stem cell therapy. Indian stem cell therapists have produced a high success rate in treating life-threatening disorders.

Cost of Stem Cell Therapy in India

The cost of stem cell therapy is very less compared to European countries and the U.S. Stem cell therapy can cost up to 1 crore rupees abroad whereas in India 10-35 lakh rupees in private hospitals and 3-6 lakh rupees in government hospitals depending upon the disease condition and patient’s response to the treatment. India has become a medical tourism centre for stem cell therapy for foreigners. Here in India stem cell banking is also very cheap compared to other nations.

Stem cell therapy can be used in diseases whenever there are chances of regeneration.

Procedures of Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is the injection of adult stem cells directly into damaged tissue to treat the disease or injury. The brain is targeted for tissue regeneration. The stem cells on encountering growth chemicals differentiate into the tissue cells surrounding them. Bone marrow transplant therapy is the most widely used stem cell therapy until recent years. But from the past two decades stem cells derived from the umbilical cord, placenta and dental pulp are also used in the therapy.

Sometimes stem cells are cultured in laboratories and whole organ transplants are done. But many of these therapies are on an experimental basis. There is a lot of scope in research in stem cell therapy.

Diseases Treated With Stem Cell Therapy

  • Hair Loss Control by Stem Cell Therapy
  • Hair follicles have stem cells and researchers claim these stem cells can be used for treating baldness. Stem cells from hair follicles can be multiplied in cultures and then implanting the new hair follicles into the scalp.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Nervous System Disorders
  • For many years it was thought that nerve cells cannot be regenerated. But it is seen that stem cells have been effective in autism, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson‘s disease. Stem cells are injected into the patient’s damaged sites. It has shown hopeful results in clinical trials.

  • Treatment of Heart Disease by Stem Cell Therapy
  • Stem cells injected into the heart are believed to improve cardiac function in patients with heart failure or heart attack. India is among the best in the world in the treatment of heart disorders using stem cells. AIIMS has treated over 100 cases of both acute heart attacks and cardiomyopathy with some success. Multi-clinical trials are now in five institutes to authenticate the efficacy of stem cell treatment for heart diseases.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Knee
  • Stem cell therapy for the knee has shown promising results by resolving symptoms. Further research needs to be done. Although many stem cell therapy institutes across the globe are successfully treating knee issues.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Kidney Failure
  • Stem cells can be used for the treatment of kidney failure. Stem cells can differentiate into renal cells and cure small damaged areas of the kidney but still more research is needed in cases of larger damages.

  • Treating Cancer with Stem Cell Therapy
  • In the case of leukaemia or lymphoma stem cell transplant is recommended. First, the doctors take healthy stem cells from bone marrow or any source feasible and stored.

    Then the patient undergoes radiation and chemotherapy to get rid of cancer cells. Then stem cells are injected through intravenous mode. These cells reach the bone marrow and regenerate healthy cells. Thus, the patient gets cancer-free. This treatment is the most widely used stem cell therapy.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Cirrhosis
  • Cirrhosis is characteristic of liver fibrosis. Stem cells have been used for liver cirrhosis. Stem cells are directly injected into the hepatic artery or portal vein. Clinical and preclinical trials have shown the regeneration of hepatocytes cells.

  • Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy by Stem Cell Therapy
  • Muscular dystrophy is a neuromuscular disorder that damages healthy muscle over a period. Stem cells are injected directly into the muscles. Through intravenous mode stem cells are injected into the veins to expand the blood volumes in the brain so that the maximum number of cells reach the target area.

    These cells help revive damaged muscle fibres or differentiate into new muscle fibres thus restoring the muscle function.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis
  • Arthritis is pain and inflammation of joints, degeneration of joint surfaces and cartilages surrounding the joint. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common form of arthritis. Various joints of the body can get affected.

    Stem cells are widely researched and investigated. Arthritis stem cells usually take place in a single day. It involves injecting stem cells precisely into the damaged area. Platelet-rich plasma injections are also given which releases growth factors necessary for the stem cell regeneration process. The healing process takes place faster.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Eye
  • Corneal regenerative procedures using stem cells are the most hopeful in India. Many stem cell therapy institutes are getting overwhelming results, particularly with eye diseases. The Drugs Controller has approved of this therapy for widespread use.

What Next?

After reading all this I think you realise the importance of storing stem cells for the future.

Herewith Mothercell, we are specialized in dental stem cell banking.

We are equipped with the world's best technology in preserving precious stem cells for future treatment.

Your child’s stem cells can be used for both parents and your child‘s siblings too. It is a complete family package.

If you have not done umbilical cord stem cell banking, there is no need to repent.

You still can bank your child’s baby teeth and reap the benefits. We always want to protect our family‘s health. Stem cell banking is the best way we can do it.

The dental pulp of baby teeth is one of the good sources of mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells have a great ability to differentiate into many types of cells like chondrocytes, osteoblasts and adipocytes.

Chondrocytes are cells that can generate cartilage, which can play an important role in the treatment of arthritis and joint injuries.

Osteoblasts are cells that can generate bones.

Adipocytes are cells that can compose adipose tissue, specialized in storing energy as fat.

Dental stem cells can produce hard structures of the body such as bone, new dental tissue, cartilage and muscle. New experimental research suggests the potential to regenerate nerves.

Whenever your child‘s tooth is shaky you can avoid the tooth fairy and go to an expert dentist and send the tooth for stem cell banking. This would be the best investment for your child.

An important criterion is that the baby tooth should be healthy and two-third of the roots should be present. The younger the child better the undifferentiated stem cells can be obtained from the tooth.

Children undergoing orthodontic treatment mostly undergo extraction of premolars. These premolars can also be used for stem cell banking. Wisdom teeth also have mesenchymal stem cells, so they can be also used to bank stem cells.

So, for deciding which teeth can be used for stem cell banking a full mouth X-ray can be taken. An opinion from experts can be taken. These stem cells from the dental pulp can be stored for life and can be used when the need arises.

Mothercell is with you to help you store your child’s dental stem cell.

Please schedule a free presentation call with our experts to know more.

Wish you happy health…